The coffee shop is the traditional way to socialise here in Egypt, much the same as the local pub in Europe.
A place to meet friends and watch football ,have a game of dominoes or just a sanctuary to sit and chat.
Alcohol is not a part of the culture so people met to smoke shiesha and drink tea or soft drinks.
The atmosphere is relaxed and filled with the smells of flavoured tobacco from the water pipes.
Smoking Shiesha ( a water-pipe with flavoured tobacco ) has been a part of the tradition here in Egypt for hundreds of years.
First introduced by the Arabian culture and has remained a firm part of Egyptian culture since then.
Sheesha (شيشة, from the Persian word shīshe, meaning glass) comes in a wide range of flavours to suit every taste from the traditional “Saloom”, apple, strawberry, mint, cherry, right through to modern flavours such as cappuccino.
A fun way to sample local customs and watch people in their daily life relaxing.
Come and visit us, Layal Zaman coffee shop is a favourite here in Luxor with local people and tourists.
The central location is set back from the street opposite the Steigenberger Nile Palace hotel and it has free WIFI.
El rawda El sharifa,
Oppisite Steigenberger Nile Palace hotel,
85511, Luxor, Egypt.
Phone +20 (0)1227845190
Join us on Facebook: Layle Zaman Coffee Shop